
 Source code

To use the arpschuino32 and wilulu32 firmware sources, you will need to install VScode and platformIO.

arpschuino32 :

Last version : arpschuino32

All versions.

Release Notes.

wilulu32 :

Last version : wilulu32

All versions.

Release Notes.

arpdress board:

Source code

Other boards:

The source codes of the arpschuino², of the arpsensors, arpsensorsRF, wilulu, tinylulu and twinylulu are now included in the core arpschuino a> as examples.

See in this tutorial how to install it.

Version Notes of the arpschuino core

arpschuino core

Arpschuino pre-core versions are still available here.


arpschuino32 and wilulu32:

When you open the sources in VScode, platformIO will directly import all the libraries needed.

We use the following libraries :

me-no-dev/ESP Async WebServer





adafruit/Adafruit PWM Servo Driver Library

adafruit/Adafruit NeoPixel

Our home library ArpAccelStepper takes off from the library AccelStepper.

other boards :

The arpschuino library and all libraries needed to compile the source codes, are now directly imported during arpschuino core installation.

See in this tutorial how to install it.

We use the following libraries :

Arpschuino : link

SoftPWM : link

ArpRFlib, a modified version of jeelib : link

Four Universes DMX by Toni Merino : link

Adafruit_NeoPixel : link

TinyWire (for tiny/twinylulu, arpdress board and arpsensor) : link


Kicad sources:

arpschuino32 R1.2: ZIP

arpschuino32 R2.1: ZIP

wilulu32: ZIP

tinylulu: ZIP

twinylulu: ZIP

arpstepper: ZIP

Fritzing sources:

arpschuino²R6.4: ZIP

arpschuino²R6: ZIP

arpdress board R2: ZIP

arpower R2: ZIP

arpower mini: ZIP

arpsensors: ZIP

arpsensorsRF: ZIP

jNode arpower: ZIP

wilulu : ZIP

Old boards


2D : Here you will find 2D, dwg, pdf and other files.

3D : Here you will find STL files and Freecad or OpenSCAD source files for 3D prints.

version française